Full lifecycle IT Cabinet Electrical Certification (EICRs)
We can provide co-ordination and management resources on a fixed price or per cabinet basis, to deliver IT Cabinet Inspection, testing and where required remediation to ensure BS7671 compliance for your estate, on either a 3yr or 5yr EICR duration. Benefits includes:
Call off as and when required against catalogue orders or P.O.s
Performance based delivery or EICRS on a per month basis
No big bang certification programmes
All cabinets will be certified over a contract period, staggered to suit customer requirement taking into consideration business operational requirements.
We will work with client/customer manages, 3rd parties and electrical contractors
We can work with your existing services catalogue, 3rd party electrical contractors or supply Electrician's and Mate
There are many ways for intrinsic to help you with your resource needs or provide you with industry specific information to give you what you need to make the right decisions first time every time.
EICR Services
Our Capability